intense autobiography.A mutual aid.B, A light touch.C land-escape / soundscape.D a charged space.E building the dream house that is the body, where we live.F self-organization as a devotional act.G poetry as radical organizing.D
What forms do we create in crisis, from crisis? What forms nourish us, heal us, free us to live?
a two-day Symposium featuring Eleni Stecopoulos and special guests:
Melissa Buzzeo, Thom Donovan, Margit Galanter, Bhanu Kapil, Beth Murray, Pavlos Stavropoulos, david wolach
Friday APRIL 19, 2013
Saturday APRIL 20, 2013@ Subterranean Arthouse, http://subterraneanarthouse.org/
2179 Bancroft Way, Berkeley (just south and east of downtown Berkeley BART)
• Friday, 7-9:30 pm, talks & performances, $10/$5
• Saturday, 2-4:30 pm, workshops integrating writing with movement/somatic work, $10/$5
• Saturday, 7-9:30 pm, talks & performances, $10/$5
All-events ticket at door first evening: $25/$15
No one turned away for lack of funds
Melissa Buzzeo is the author of For Want and Sound (Les Figues, 2013), Face (BookThug, 2009), and What Began Us (Leon Works, 2007). Her poetic work has been greatly charged by a long engagement with hypnosis, palm reading and a desire for an altered consciousness tied to the body but radiating outward, which is to say healing. Or writing. She graduated from Cornell University and The University of Iowa's Writing Workshop, and currently teaches both Creative Writing and Architecture at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn. This year she is the 2013 Poet in Residence at Opus Projects Gallery in Chelsea.
Thom Donovan is an exemplary Post-Fordist laborer. He works as a poet, critic, scholar, archivist, professor, editor, and curator. His book The Hole can be purchased at SPD and he is currently working on his second book of poetry and first book of critical essays. He is the author of "Somatic Poetics," an essay regarding contemporary somatic practices and aesthetic discourse, and is a founding participant of the Nonsite Collective. For more information visit his blog Wild Horses Of Fire, now in its eighth year.
Margit Galanter is a dance poet and movement investigator living in Oakland, CA. Her practice, Physical Intelligence, encompasses her unique research perspective, helping people experience the innate clarity and vitality one can uncover through the potency of movement. Art Site PI Practice
Bhanu Kapil is a writer and bodyworker who lives in Colorado. She was a speaker at the third world congress of the World Association of Cultural Psychiatry in London, where she spoke about psychosis and the immigrant experience: the role of communal light touch and devotional acts as resilience factors. For the body. As for the text.
Beth Murray is a poet and homeopath with a practice for people and animals in the bay area. Last year she recovered from advanced breast cancer using a combination of modalities. To find out more about her recovery visit www.healingmycancer.wordpress.com.
Pavlos Stavropoulos is a longtime activist and organizer involved in numerous local, national and international liberatory and anarchist struggles, including anti-fascist and anti-austerity resistance in his native Greece. He is a founder of Woodbine Ecology Center, which focuses on sustainable communities and indigenous perspectives, a certified permaculture designer and instructor, a water and sustainability educator, a street medic and a father.
A longtime union organizer, writer on performance and experimental sound composition, and former body artist out of Detroit, david wolach is founding editor of Wheelhouse Magazine & Press. wolach’s first full-length collection of poems is Occultations (Black Radish Books, 2011, 2012). The full-length Hospitalogy is due out from Tarpaulin Sky Press in May of 2013. wolach is professor of text arts, poetics, and cultural theory at The Evergreen State College, and visiting faculty in Bard College’s Language & Thinking program.
In collaboration with The Poetry Center, Eleni Stecopoulos has curated programs featuring participants from diverse fields, including philosopher Alphonso Lingis, poet Raúl Zurita, anthropologists Barbara Tedlock and Dennis Tedlock, physician-poet David Watts, performance artists and disability culture activists Neil Marcus and Petra Kuppers, and many others. Author of a poetry collection, Armies of Compassion (Palm Press), and a recent chapbook, Daphnephoria (Compline), she is finishing a book on the poetics of healing.
A Thom Donovan, B Pavlos Stavropoulos, C Bhanu Kapil, D david wolach, E Melissa Buzzeo, F Beth Murray, G Margit Galanter